Il sito del progetto lo trovate qui:
il software necessita per funzionare di installare diverse dipendenze eccovi le più importanti:
libavcodec (picture cropping, scaling and deinterlacing, MPEG-4 encoding)
libdvdcss (CSS decryption)
libdvdread (DVD navigation)
libfaac (AAC encoding)
lame-extras (MP3 encoding)
libmp4v2 (MP4 muxing)
libmpeg2 (MPEG-2 decoding)
libogg (OGM muxing)
libsamplerate (audio resampling)
libvorbis (Vorbis encoding)
libx264 (H264 encoding)
libxvidcore (MPEG-4 encoding)
installatele cercandole con synaptic ricordo che per ogni libreria dovete installare pure le librerie di sviluppo, quelle che finiscono con dev.
per scaricare il pacchetto aprite un terminale, digitate:
spostatelo dentro opt,scompattatelo.
sudo mv Handbrake* /opt
cd /opt
sudo tar zxvf HandBrake*
date i permessi al file HandBrakeCLI
sudo chmod a+rwx HandBrakeCLI
sudo chown $USER:$USER HandBrakeCLI
per lanciare il manuale del programma basta scrivere.
./HandBrakeCLI -h
### General Handbrake Options------------------------------------------------
-h, --help Print help
-u, --update Check for updates and exit
-v, --verbose Be verbose
-C, --cpu Set CPU count (default: autodetected)
### Source Options-----------------------------------------------------------
-i, --input
-t, --title
default: 1)
-L, --longest Select the longest title
-c, --chapters
1 to 3, or "3" for chapter 3 only,
default: all chapters)
### Destination Options------------------------------------------------------
-o, --output
-f, --format
autodetected from file name)
-4, --large-file Use 64-bit mp4 files that can hold more than
4 GB. Note: Breaks iPod, @TV, PS3 compatibility.
### Picture Settings---------------------------------------------------------
-w, --width
-l, --height
-Y, --maxHeight <#> Set maximum height
-X, --maxWidth <#> Set maximum width
-s, --subtitle
-U, --subtitle-scan Scan for subtitles in an extra first pass, and choose
the one that's only used 10 percent of the time
or less. This should locate subtitles for short
foreign language segments. Best used in conjunction
with --subtitle-forced.
-F, --subtitle-forced Only display subtitles from the selected stream if
the subtitle has the forced flag set. May be used in
conjunction with --subtitle-scan to auto-select
a stream if it contains forced subtitles.
-N, --native-language Select subtitles with this language if it does not
iso639-2 code (fre, eng, spa, dut, et cetera)
-m, --markers Add chapter markers (mp4 output format only)
### Video Options------------------------------------------------------------
-e, --encoder
x264,x264b13,x264b30 default: ffmpeg)
-q, --quality
-Q, --crf Use with -q for CRF instead of CQP
-S, --size
-b, --vb
-r, --rate Set video framerate (5/10/12/15/23.976/24/25/29.97)
-2, --two-pass Use two-pass mode
-d, --deinterlace Deinterlace video with yadif/mcdeint filter
-7, --deblock Deblock video with pp7 filter
-8, --denoise Denoise video with hqdn3d filter
-9, --detelecine Detelecine video with pullup filter
-g, --grayscale Grayscale encoding
-p, --pixelratio Store pixel aspect ratio in video stream
### Audio Options-----------------------------------------------------------
-E, --aencoder
meaning passthrough, default: guessed)
-B, --ab
-a, --audio
audio, default: first one)
-6, --mixdown
(mono/stereo/dpl1/dpl2/6ch, default: dpl2)
-R, --arate Set audio samplerate (22.05/24/32/44.1/48 kHz)
### Advanced H264 Options----------------------------------------------------
-x, --x264opts
same style as mencoder:
-T, --turbo When using 2-pass use the turbo options
on the first pass to improve speed
(only works with x264, affects PSNR by about 0.05dB,
and increases first pass speed two to four times)
per agevolare l'utilizzo del software possiamo crearci un link simbolico, scriviamo da terminale:
sudo ln -fs /opt/HandBrakeCLI /usr/bin
per convertire la struttura di un dvd in un file mp4 scriviamo.
HandBrakeCLI -i VIDEO_TS -o movie.mp4
studiamoci tutte le varie opzioni del programma per ottenere dei risultati migliori.
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